Looking for a place to bone up on your nonfiction writing technique? Try these:
Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism - March 14-16, Boston
Associated Writers and Writing Programs Annual Conference - Jan 30-Feb 2, NYC
Mediabistro - jobs, classes, community, and news for media professionals (they have excellent classes, are based on both coasts, and also offer courses online)
Looking to find out who's publishing what? Try:
Publisher's Lunch - book publishing news (including news about which editors are buying which books and from which agents)
Want to start reviewing books? You first need to know what books are currently in the pipeline and not yet released. Here's where to go:
Kirkus Reviews
Publishers Weekly
Remember that magazines need a 3-month lead time, so look for books that list their publication dates as being at least 3 months away. To pitch an editor, find their email address and send them 2-3 brief paragraphs proposing your review. Mediabistro offers great classes on writing pitch letters, writing features, writing reviews...pretty much everything. I took a class from them soon after I decided to pursue a popular writing career and will likely be teaching a 1-day intensive in 2008 on doing anthologies. Stay tuned...
I'm already booked for the Nieman Conference! I've been two times before and it is the best!
Ohh, I'm jealous! I can't go this year--will be doing a talk in Michigan--but hope to go next year...Next year in Boston, my new motto.
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