Monday, July 30, 2007

Men as Models for Parenting and Work

New York Times film reviewer Matt Zoller Seitz has an intriguing review of No Reservations (July 27). Seitz notes how while the Catherine Zeta-Jones' character can't quite figure out how to combine parenthood and work as a chef, the Aaron Eckhart character literally and metaphorically brings the little girl (Little Miss Sunshine's Abigail Breslin)into the kitchen. I smell a trend -- and it's one I like. In the August 6 issue of US Weekly--which, yes, I proudly on the plane last night, while my neighbor, a lovely intern who works at The Nation, poured through her glossy -- there's a feature on "Sexy Dads" that similarly posits Hollywood men as models for combining parenting and work. Now put that in your oven and bake it.

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