What better way to learn about using the blogosphere as a platform for your books than by becoming more familiar with a blog, right?
So the class blog--private, of course!--will provide a forum where participants can post elements of their book proposals, or thoughts toward ideas, as we go along. And get feedback. I'll be walking participants through the mechanics on our first conference call (that would be Nov 6). We've got some great NYC-based agents and editors lined up for the calls. And while I'm at it, and for those of you who like to get ahead (you know who you are), the suggested reading for the course will be from: Thinking like Your Editor: How to Write Great Serious Nonfiction and Get It Published. More info--dates, cost, rationale--here.
I think Marco took this (goofy) pic of me the day I got my current laptop. Boy, do I love me my MacBook.
How do I sign up?!
Please shoot me an email (deborahsiege AT gmail DOT com), with a few sentences about the nature of your book project, and we'll take it from there!
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